图1简单概述了如何使用两个选项提高等容LC方法的样品吞吐量。最初使用150 x 4.6,5µm色谱柱进行分离,运行时间为35分钟,背压为66巴。通过将该方法转换为UHPLC柱(50 x 3.0 mm,
1.7 µm) on a UHPLC instrument, the run time is reduced to 4 minutes with a moderate pressure of 558 bar. This equates to a >8 times increase in sample throughput and a >88% reduction in the runtime. However, if UHPLC instrumentation is not available, sample throughput could still be more than doubled by using the existing HPLC instrument with a shorter HPLC column and smaller particle size (100 x 3.0 mm, 3 µm). In this case, sample throughput is >2 times better than the original method with run time reduced by 60% to 14 minutes at a reasonable 215 bar. From a solvent perspective, analysing 100 samples (excluding equilibration times, cleaning, shutdown methods etc.) would require
原始方法为3500 mL,UHPLC方法为500 mL,改良快速HPLC选项为994 mL。
图2A使用150 x 4.6 mm,5µm的色谱柱,显示了非甾体抗炎药的梯度分析。梯度表中的梯度后重新平衡时间为20分钟(或约13个柱体积)。可以将梯度法转换为新的UHPL格式或修改后的快速HPLC格式,以了解对样品吞吐量的影响。使用类似于图1的原理,以及软件翻译工具[2],可以将梯度法定量地转换为两种新的列格式。对于梯度法,还需要缩放梯度剖面并校正仪器驻留体积的差异,以确保使用新的柱格式获得相同的梯度分离和分辨率。表1显示了每种列格式上分离的原始梯度时间和重新计算的梯度时间。
The original HPLC separation in Figure 2, using a 150 x 4.6 mm, 5 µm column, has a run time of 34 minutes, but a total cycle time of 54 minutes due to gradient re-equilibration, with PMAX of 64 bar. Translating this to the UHPLC format gives a 3.6 minute run time and total method cycle time of 5.7 minutes with PMAX of 510 bar. This provides a >9 times increase in sample throughput and a >89% reduction in runtime / cycle time. The modified rapid HPLC format data in Figure 2C, has a new run time of 13.4 minutes and a total cycle time of 21.3 minutes (including equilibration) with PMAX of 193 bar. This represents a >2.5 times increase in sample throughput and a >60% reduction in runtime / cycle time. Solvent consumption for the total cycle times for each format (but excluding initial equilibration and shutdown methods) for 100 samples can be calculated as 5,400 mL, 718 mL and 1,515 mL for the original, UHPLC and modified rapid HPLC methods respectively.